From Digital Design to Material Artworks, Leonardo Electronic Almanac
Recent technical and organizational developments in digital manufacturing are allowing media artists to materialize their work in the physical environment.
The rise of affordable and accessible design and production tools such as Computer Numerically Controlled machines and open hardware micro-controllers is giving new life to crafting, producing new spaces and practices where material production is inherently connected with digital design. Such contexts are marked by a strong interdisciplinarity: artists, engineers, designers and hackers work together experimenting creative development paths for the future. This issue explores new theories, methodologies and methods related to the materialization of
digital arts.
We would like to welcome papers relevant to the following themes:
– digital crafting, digital manufacturing and art;
– the role of fablabs as spaces for contemporary art practices;
– makers communities engaged in interdisciplinary art activities;
– open hardware and software facing contemporary art;
– aesthetic challenges given by digital design.
What are the main challenges for digital arts in the age of distributed manufacturing? Is ingenuous D.I.Y. design going to re-define the boundaries between art and other disciplines? What are the chances to go beyond the abused generative aesthetic seen in these first years?
This special issue of LEA aims to answer some of these questions, analyzing the complexity of the relationships between art and innovation in digital fabrication.
The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is inviting proposals for an issue on these or related themes with Senior Editors Lanfranco Aceti and Bertram Niessen (Digicult).
New Media academics, theoreticians, curators, artists and hackers that are interested in any combination of the above theme are warmly welcome to submit proposals for consideration.
Please send proposals to: info@leoalmanac.org
a) Subject heading: From Digital Design to Material Artworks
b) Deadline for submission of full article for consideration: November 30, 2012
c) 2 images at 72 dpi resolution no larger than 700pixels width for artists
d) Links to previous work, videos or personal sites
Our publication formats allow for full-color throughout and we encourage rich pictorial content where relevant and possible. Note however that all material submitted must be copyright cleared (or due diligence must be evidenced). For online publication a wide variety of media content may be considered (animation, mp3, flash, java, etc…)
• For scholarly papers please submit the final paper ready for peer review. Your contribution will be reviewed by at least two members of the LEA board and revisions may be requested subject to review.
• For themed and pictorial essays please submit an abstract or outline for editorial consideration and further discussion.
• Please keep your news, announcements and hyperlinks brief and focused – include contact details and a link to an external site where relevant. We reserve the right to sub-edit your submissions in order to comply with LEA policies and formats. Where material is time-sensitive please include both embargo and expiry dates.
• In all cases specify special system considerations where these are necessary (platform, codecs, plug-ins, etc…)
For further information or image submission contact: Ozden.Sahin@leoalmanac.org
We look forward to hearing from you!