In Development Publications Volumes

Algorithmic and Generative Art

Algorithmic and Generative Art
Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 23 Issue 2

Description: This is a collection of essays that survey and explore the role of algorithmic and generative art not solely in the landscape of new media art but in the larger framework of contemporary fine arts. They analyze conceptual themes, aesthetics, and forms which have characterized and are reshaping our understanding of aesthetic in a computer based environment and beyond.

Senior Editor: Lanfranco Aceti
Editors: Kris Paulsen, Meredith Hoy

Reference this volume: Aceti, Lanfranco, Kris Paulsen, and Meredith Hoy, eds. Algorithmic and Generative Art. Leonardo Electronic Almanac 23, no. 2 (March 15, 2019).

Published Online: edit
Published in Print: edit
ISBN: edit
ISSN: 1071-4391
DOI: edit
Repository: edit

Acknowledgments: With thanks to Philip Galanter for the cover image. “The piece is as much about the generative process as it is the final results, and the hope is that the interactive program will combine with the panels to deliver an experience grounded in both formalism and dynamism.” Excerpt from Philip Galanter’s artist statement.

Please Note: This volume is in development.