Paul Brown

Paul Brown is an artist and writer who has specialised in art, science & technology since the late-1960s and in computational & generative art since the mid 1970s. His early work involved creating large scale lighting works for musicians and performance groups (Meredith Monk, Music Electronica Viva, Pink Floyd, etc…) and he has an international exhibition record that includes the creation of both permanent and temporary public artworks dating from the late 1960s. He has participated in shows at major venues like the TATE, Victoria & Albert and ICA in the UK; the Adelaide Festival; ARCO in Spain; the Substation in Singapore and the Venice Biennale. His work is represented in public, corporate and private collections in Australia, Asia, Europe, Russia and the USA. In 1996 he won the Fremantle Print Award.
In 1984 he was the founding head of the United Kingdom’s National Centre for Computer Aided Art and Design and in 1994 he returned to Australia after a two-year appointment as professor of art and technology at Mississippi State University to head Griffith University’s Multimedia Unit. In 1996 he was the founding adjunct professor of Communication Design at Queensland University of Technology.
From 1997-99 he was chair of the Management Board of the Australian Network for Art Technology – ANAT – and he is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal Digital Creativity (Routledge). From 1992 to 1999 he edited fineArt forum, one of the Internet’s longest established art ‘zines. He is currently co-editor (with Lanfranco Aceti) of Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA – Leonardo/ISAST, MIT Press), chair of the Computer Arts Society (CAS) and moderator of the DASH (Digital ArtS Histories) and CAS e-lists.
During 2000/2001 he was a New Media Arts Fellow of the Australia Council and he spent 2000 as artist-in-residence at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics – CCNR – at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England. From 2002-05 he was a visiting fellow in the School of History of Art, Film and Visual Media at Birkbeck College, University of London, where he worked on the CACHe (Computer Arts, Contexts, Histories, etc…) project and he is currently (since 2005) honorary visiting professor of art and technology and artist-in-residence at the CCNR and School of Informatics at the University of Sussex.
His most recent book – White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980 – which he co-edited with Charlie Gere, Nick Lambert and Catherine Mason was published earlier this year by MIT Press, Leonardo Imprint.
Examples of his artwork and publications are available on his website