See also: LEA Manuscript Submission and Acceptance Procedure, LEA Referencing Style & LEA Author Checklist and Common Mistakes.
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Leonardo Electronic Almanac. These are notes that will assist you in preparing a contribution either for an online article or in response to one of our thematic issues.
To ensure a successful publication process, please look at previous publications in the Volumes.
Below you will find layout and format instructions, naming conventions for your files, a note on artwork/images, and a checklist.
Please follow these guidelines with great care.
Please note: a) we assume that this is original work that has not been previously published, b) that you are not concurrently submitting to other publishers. If either a) or b) applies to you, please discuss it with your Editors and the Editor in Chief.
Microsoft Word documents are the only accepted documents with .doc and .docx extensions.
LEA will publish images online and offline.
Please note it is your responsibility to clear copyright for all the images you are using, both for online and printed articles.
All images should have captions and credits.
Online images
The images should have the following size: 800 pixel wide and 514 pixel high at 72 dpi. The extension is .jpg.
Print images
The print images for articles and special issues should have the sizes described below.
A single full page image should be at least 18,5 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be at 300 dpi minimum, .TIFF preferred (otherwise .JPG). A double spread (an image on two adjacent pages) sould be at least 36,2 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be 300 dpi minimum. LEA is a print and online publication and in order for your images to be printed they have to be at a high resolution.
If your essay is highly visual – we can review from 5 to 20 images images or more if agreed with the editors (we prefer to have a selection to choose from). Please agree with the editors how many to send. We will provide you a Dropbox folder where to share your material. We will ask for these high resolution images after your article has been approved. Do not send these heavy images in your abstract submission or first submission for review.
For print articles, in the first instance, please send low resolution images as .jpeg at 72 dpi.
The preferred size for these images, on the first speculative submission, is 800 pixel wide by 514 pixel high and the extension is .jpg.
LEA is a highly visual magazine and we welcome the submission of images, tables and other visual supports as long as they are in the specified formats.
Please do not insert the images in the body of the article in the Word document. Instead, indicate placement of artwork in the manuscript in brackets: [Photo 1 near here] or [Table 1 near here].
Articles may range from 1000 words up to 6000 words (10 manuscript pages and upward), 3–6 page opinion pieces or longer, book reviews, and technical columns. Abstracts should be 200 words max.
LEA articles’ medium length is between 5000 to 6000 words.
Please note that we also accept lengthier or shorter articles, but these have to be agreed with the editors.
Please contact the Co-editor Ozden Sahin if you have any questions regarding length, as we have a great deal of flexibility for each issue of the journal or for our special issues.
Ozden Sahin:
1) Please include your contact information that you feel confortable to share and affiliation at the beginning of the Word document, after the title.
2) At the very end of the document you should also provide: your name, your title, the name of your institution or specify that you are an independent scholar, a complete address, phone, fax (if appropriate), email, institutional website and personal website.
Your contact information will appear both in print and online therefore make sure that the information listed under point 1) is information that you are comfortable sharing publically.
You are invited to send your text by the deadline when one is specified in the call for papers. LEA has also open issues, in that case the papers will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and a deadline is dependent upon the editorial team. In this case there could be more than one issue on the same thematic strand: e.g. Green Skies I and Green Skies II.
Send your files to LEA’s Co-Editor Ozden Sahin at
Please note that although external editors may be liaising with you, it is important to avoid any possible issue, that you copy in all of your correspondence regarding the publication of your essay.
Please use endnotes (avoid footnotes at the bottom of the page) and do not use the footnote feature in Word. Instead place footnote numbers like this [1] by hand, and put the notes after the end of the article following the word Endnotes in bold.
Editorial style
The Leonardo Electronic Almanac uses the Chicago Style Manual for notes. Please use LEA REFERENCING STYLES (The Chicago Style) for notes. Authors’ notes, comments and references are all listed at the end of the page. We recommend that you check previous publications in order to have an idea of the house style and formats. Please go to Volumes.
Below is an example list of endnotes and references.
The list is in numerical order and is a list with both notes and references.
[1] Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation, trans. Sheila Faria Glaser (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1994), 98. (This is a reference. First mention.)
[2] Ibid. (Second mention, if it is exactly the same page, of the same text from same author. Ibid. means from “the same place.”)
[3] Ibid., 105. (If it is the same author and same text, following immediately after the previous quotation, but a different page is being referenced.)
[4] Paul Virilio, The Information Bomb, trans. Chris Turner (London: Verso, 2000), 15. (Reference of different author and different text.)
[5] Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation, 134. (When quoting again from text already reference in [1] but there is another reference in between by a different author.)
[7] Ibid. (The sequence restarts.)
[8] Ibid, 135. (Different page same author, same text.)
[9] Ibid.
[10] The author believes that the relationship between Virilio and Baudrillard was one where the two collaborated closely, as per correspondence available to the author of this article and being presented as supporting element of the argument. (This is a note.)
[11] Jean Baudrillard, Screened Out, trans. Chris Turner (London: Verso, 2000), 10. (This is a different reference from the same author [1] but the text is different. The first time the text is used, full reference has to be given.)
[12] Ibid, 12.
Use only one space following a period at the end of a sentence.
Do not justify the right side of the text. The text should be aligned left like in this document.
Do not insert double spaces between references, notes, or paragraphs.
Please do not apply any formatting to your document.
Avoid using space tabs or inserting multiple spaces to give the impression of a space tab. The document will be formatted by the designers.
Do not underline anything. Use italics or bold instead.
Below are the file naming conventions for text files and for images.
Text Files Naming Conventions
Please name the article file, placing your last name and underscore and two words chosen from the title, as follow:
If you are sending an additional document containing notes the file would be named as follow:
Artwork should be named similarly, with the addition of the figure number.
Aceti_DisappearanceDream_Figure1.tif (this may be a drawing, graph, or photo)
Aceti_DisappearanceDream _Table1.tif (this consists of text and lines dividing that text or other graphic elements)
Please note: a figure is a line drawing, graph, or photo. A table is made of text and lines dividing that text.
Any artwork must have a caption. Please write captions including appropriate credit line for each Figure or Table. Save these captions as a separate document, with the following naming convention:
Aceti_DisappearanceDream _Captions.doc
Images Naming Conventions
If you plan to include any artworks (images, photos, charts, figures, tables) please obtain copyright permission and provide us with the sources’ contact details.
As author, it is your responsibility to secure any necessary permission for any artwork that you wish to include in your articles, reviews and commentatries. Since the author signs any and all permission agreements in this regard, please use LEA permission forms.
Any artwork must have a caption. Please write captions including appropriate credit line for each Figure or Table. Save these captions as a separate Word document, see above “File naming conventions.” Please name your Word document with your last name, the first two words from the title of your paper followed by the word:Captions; example below.
Aceti_DisappearanceDream _Captions.doc
The captions have to be listed in the Word document in the following way
Aceti_DisappearanceDream_Figure1 – followed by caption
Aceti_DisappearanceDream_Figure2 – followed by caption
Aceti_DisappearanceDream_Figure3 – followed by caption, etc.
This will allow the designer and us to know which image is which in relation to the captions and to the placement. You being thorough with this process will avoid lengthy email exchanges and confusion that will delay the publication of the issue.
Images for print publication should be supplied as .TIFF, black and white or color, 300 dpi resolution minimum. If all you can provide are JPEGs they can be accepted as long as they are at 18,5 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) at 300 dpi resolution minimum.
We cannot use charts and graphs supplied in Word or Excel. Please provide charts and graphs in Illustrator, saved as TIFFs or JPEGs at 300dpi resolution and minimum 1500 pixel wide.
To facilitate the upload of artworks we will issue an invitation to a shared folder in Dropbox where you can easily drop your artworks. Please drop your artworks in the folder with your last name followed by LEA: e.g. aceti_lea.
We are aware that following the house guidelines can be a painful process. If you have read this material and have familiarized yourself with the process, we are extremely grateful to you. This will make our work and your submission go smoothly.
If you have not, please be forewarned, if your submission will become time consuming for the editors and the designers risking delaying the publication because of a lack of compliance with the instructions, we reserve the right to reject your paper.