
LEA Author and Editor Checklist

This checklist is for authors who are submitting a manuscript following a call for papers or are interested in submitting a manuscript to the editor. They also apply to authors whose manuscripts have undergone the LEA peer review process and have been accepted for publishing. In order to facilitate and speed the publication process please adhere strictly to these guidelines.

Please note that we do not encourage multiple concurrent submissions to different publishers and we are in conversation with several publishing houses in order to avoid this academic malpractice. If you are publishing with us we assume that your article is NOT submitted elsewhere.

PLEASE NOTE: Before any manuscript receives the final approval for editing and subsequent publication, the following items must be provided by the author. At this stage, it is presumed the author has carefully reviewed the manuscript submission guidelines, minimizing editorial processing time. We reserve the right at any stage of this process to reject your article if you have not complied with the guidelines. Please note that this is in consideration of your colleagues who have complied with the editorial process and for whom would be unfair to delay the publication.


TITLE: A descriptive title that clearly reflects the content of text. Sub-headlines can be helpful for capturing a reader’s attention, serving as a marker, supplying keywords and for web indexing/searching purposes.

ADDRESS: The author(s)’ publishable institutional mailing address, contact and email details. Website URLs can be included. Please see the example below. The parts marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. If you don’t have a google scholar link or an ORCID number, please ensure that you do. They are both free of charge.

First Name Last Name *
Affiliation insert here *
Email: insert link here
Web: insert link here
Google Scholar: insert link here *
ORCID: insert number here *
Twitter: insert link here

KEYWORDS: A selection of 5 – 7 keywords from the manuscript.

ABSTRACT: A minimum of 150 to a maximum of  250 words.

TEXT: Text body of between 1,500 – 5,000 words, or as agreed.

SECTION HEADINGS: It is recommended that the manuscript is divided into sections with section headings.

ENDNOTES AND REFERENCES: Please use LEA REFERENCING STYLES (The Chicago Style) for notes. Authors’ notes, comments and references are all listed at the end of the page.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This space is to thank institutions that may have supported your research.

BIOGRAPHY: Author(s) biography is 150 words, strictly enforced.


Please also refer to LEA REFERENCING STYLES for detailed examples and to COMMON MISTAKES for detailed guidelines.

NOTES AND REFERENCES: All sources of ideas and influences cited in the text and previous related works of note must be referenced as specifically as possible.

NOTES AND REFERENCES NUMBERING: Reference and notes numbers in the text should appear in numerical order in brackets (e.g. [1], etc.) and references and notes should be listed in numerical order at the end of the paper. E.g.:
[1] Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation, trans. Sheila Faria Glaser (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1994), 98. (This is a reference. First mention.)
[2] Ibid. (Second mention, if it is exactly the same page, of the same text from same author. Ibid. means from “the same place.”)
[3] Ibid., 105. (If it is the same author and same text, following immediately after the previous quotation, but a different page is being referenced.)
[4] Paul Virilio, The Information Bomb, trans. Chris Turner (London: Verso, 2000), 15. (Reference of different author and different text.)
[5] Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation, 134. (When quoting again from text already reference in [1] but there is another reference in between by a different author.)
[7] Ibid. (The sequence restarts.)
[8] Ibid, 135. (Different page same author, same text.)
[9] Ibid.
[10] The author believes that the relationship between Virilio and Baudrillard was one where the two collaborated closely, as per correspondence available to the author of this article and being presented as supporting element of the argument. (This is a note.)
[11] Jean Baudrillard, Screened Out, trans. Chris Turner (London: Verso, 2000), 10. (This is a different reference from the same author [1] but the text is different. The first time the text is used, full reference has to be given.)
[12] Ibid, 12.

References and notes should NOT be embedded in the text (those automatically inserted, for instance, with features such as MS Word’s “insert footnote” function).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: A bibliography should be included. It should be styled according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Please be aware that notes and references are styled differently than a bibliography.

GLOSSARY: Specialized or original terms used in the manuscript should be included in a glossary.

PHOTOGRAPH: Professional author image at 2000 pixel wide and 1333 pixel high (landscape).


Non-text media – graphics, video, audio, etc. – must be provided separately from the manuscript. All the individual files/components should be included in a folder and sent as a zip/rar file.

IMAGES: Images for publication in the magazine and special issues should be at a resolution of 300dpi minimum – larger sizes are recommended and it is advised that images should be at least 10cm width minimum.

These are the sizes of your images, once your article has been approved for publication. DO NOT send large images with your first submission.
(If you are sending images for your first submission for initial review – images should be 800pixel wide by 514pixel high at 72dpi. We would prefer if you could send us an external link, from which we can review the images.)

Please note it is your responsibility to clear copyright for all the images you are using.

A single full page image should be at least 18,5 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be at 300 dpi minimum, .TIFF preferred (otherwise .JPG). A double spread (an image on two adjacent pages) sould be at least 36,2 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) and must be 300 dpi minimum. LEA is a print and online publication and in order for your images to be printed they have to be at a high resolution.

If your essay is highly visual – we can review from 5 to 20 images images (we prefer to have a selection to choose from). Please agree with the editors how many to send. We will provide you a Dropbox folder where to share your material.


FIGURE CAPTIONS: A separate list of figure captions (including title in italics, author, date, medium and dimensions) needs to be included as a reference point. Authors shoul provide one-to two-sentence descriptive captions for accompanying visuals.

Authors must obtain written permission from copyright owners and pay any necessary fees to reproduce copyrighted material.

Credit to photographer/artwork owner must be included.


Publication Agreement and Image Release forms for LEA must be duly completed and signed when you submit your article for publication.