Leonardo Electronic Almanac
Volume 1, No. 2
October 1993
ISSN #1071-4391
Introduction Craig Harris
Perspective From Appearance to Apparition: Communications and Consciousness in the Cybersphere Roy Ascott
Artists’ projects with virtual reality technology Roger Malina
Dan O’Sullivan
Nai-Wai Hsu
Toni Dove
Eric Darton
M.R. Petit
Words on Works Judy Malloy
Marisa Gonzalez: Miradas en el Tiempo (Glances in Time)
Richard Lowenberg: Information Revolutions
Franziska Megert: Arachne Vanitas
Joel Slayton: Telepresent Surveillance
Stephen Pope: The Elgaland/Vargaland Project and
“Paragraph 31 All Gates Are Open”
Profile Annie Lewis
National Online Media Association Review
Composer to Composer ‘93 – Interactive Music, Media and Performance Bonnie Wright
Events Annie Lewis
5TH Washington DC Virtual Reality Conference – Washington, DC
Los Angeles Virtual Reality Conference – Los Angeles, California
Virtual Reality Systems FALL ‘93 – New York City, New York
Other Minds: Center for the Arts at Yerba Buena Gardens – San Francisco, California
MultiMediale 3: The Media Arts Festival of the Center for the Arts – Karlsruhe, Germany
X Colloquium on Musical Informatics Advanced Program – Milan, Italy
Cyberculture Houston 93 – Houston, Texas
Underground Public Art Installation by Leni Schwendinger – Denver, Colorado
IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology – San Jose, California
Unusual Delights – Raliegh, North Carolina
Publications Annie Lewis
CyberEdge Journal Special Editions
Perforations 5