Leonardo Electronic Almanac
Volume 10, No. 10
October 2002
ISSN #1071-4391
by Michael Punt
Origins, Imitation, Conventions: Representation in the Visual Arts
reviewed by Stefaan Van Ryssen
The Activist Drawing: Retracing Situationist Architectures from Constant’s New Babylon to Beyond
reviewed by Mike Mosher
Leon Battista Alberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance
reviewed by Amy Ione
The Dream Drugstore: Chemically Altered States of Consciousness
reviewed by Wilfred Niels Arnold
Behind the Scenes: With David Hockney
reviewed by Roy R. Behrens
Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction
reviewed by Robert Pepperell
Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age
reviewed by Mike Leggett
Making Sense of Life, Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors and Machine
reviewed by Curtis E.A. Karnow
Spacefaring: The Human Dimension
reviewed by Cliff Pickover
Spectacular Bodies: The Art and Science of the Human Body from Leonardo to Now
reviewed by Frieder Nake
La plante des esprits – pour une politique du cyberespace
reviewed by Julien Knebusch
Synaesthesia: The Strangest Thing
reviewed by Paul Hertz
Ptolemy’s Geography: An Annotated Translation of theTheoretical Chapters
reviewed by David Topper
Consciousness, Color and Content
reviewed by George Shortess
Leonardo Reminder : cfp – Art or Science projects in
Variable Gravity @ Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre
In Memory of Yury Pravdiuk
New Leonardo Book Coming Soon: Virtual Art by Oliver Grau
Digital Vermeer House Project
Leonardo Electronic Almanac / Volume 10, No. 10 / October 2002