LEA Volume 17 Issue 1
Senior Editor for this issue: Lanfranco Aceti
Reference: Vince Dziekan, “Notes on Demonstration Exhibition: The Ammonite Order, or, Objectiles for an (Un)Natural History,” ed. Lanfranco Aceti, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Mish Mash) 17, no. 1 (2011): 172-183.
Notes on Demonstration Exhibition: The Ammonite Order, or, Objectiles for an (Un)Natural History
by Vince Dziekan
Article DOI: 10.5900/SU_9781906897116_2011.17(1)_172
The demonstration exhibition, The Ammonite Order, Or, Objectiles for an (Un) Natural History (2008–09) explores a non-deterministic relation between digital mediation and spatial practice that supplants the primacy of real objects present in gallery space. The outcome of a research residency in London, the theme for this work evolved out of imaginatively projecting a ictive ‘correspondence’ between two local personages: the architect George Dance (the Younger) and naturalist Charles Darwin. Drawing implicitly upon a creative curatorial impulse in order to pursue this narrative fabula, the exhibition space unfolds as a multidimensional installation that combines physical elements with an accompanying set of media content. The exhibition promotes a model for a diferent type of aesthetic experience through defamiliarising how the art object is modulated at the intersection of the exhibition.
Full article is available for download as a pdf at the bottom of the page.
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