Calls for Papers

Tracing Home LEONARDO/SIGGRAPH 2011 Call

SIGGRAPH 2011 Juried Art Exhibition “Tracing Home”

Exhibition Dates/Place: August 7-11, 2011 – Vancouver Convention Center
Submission Deadline: January 14, 2011
In the era of networked technology, we appear to live in an integrated global community where human relations and perceptions are conceived through various manifestations of a non-physical world of connections. We collectively build and spontaneously find refuge in virtual communities whose inhabitants experience incongruity and fragmentation, along with conformity and wholeness. The interplay of physical and virtual within our lived experience opens up portals and wormholes enabling simultaneous and discontinuous realities at the touch of a button, echo of a voice, or nudge of a sensor. The new dynamics not only reconfigures our relations with ourselves and with one another, but most importantly, it reshapes our sense of identity, belonging, and place.

As the line between the virtual self and the physical self blurs, as our engagement with the world becomes less dependent on the physical space, and as we simultaneously reside in a multitude of deterritorialized ubiquitous places, what happens to our understanding
of home?

The SIGGRAPH 2011 Art Gallery: Tracing Home, seeks exceptional digital and technologically mediated artworks that explore issues around the concept of home in the networked age. Explorations may include but are not limited to examining current functional, structural, cultural, emotional, or metaphorical definitions, or constructing new realities, experiences, and meanings.

All forms of digitally mediated art completed in the last two years are eligible for submission. International projects, multimedia installations, three-dimensional works, and kinetic, mobile, or interactive pieces are highly encouraged.

Works submitted to Tracing Home will be reviewed in a jury process, and the selected work will be exhibited at a gallery space at SIGGRAPH 2011. In addition, selected works will be published in a special issue of Leonardo, The Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology.

For more information and to apply please visit

Posted by:  Ozden Sahin (LEA Co-editor and Curator)