LEA Volume 18 Issue 3
Volume Editors: Lanfranco Aceti, Janis Jefferies, Irini Papadimitriou
Editors: Jonathan Munro and Özden Şahin
ISBN: 978-1-906897-18-5
ISSN: 1071-4391
Reference: Phoebe Hui, “Untitled,” eds. Lanfranco Aceti, Janis Jefferies and Irini Papadimitriou, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Touch and Go) 18, no. 3 (2012): 84-95.
Reference: Jonathan Munro, “Phoebe Hui in conversation with Jonathan Munro,” eds. Lanfranco Aceti, Janis Jefferies and Irini Papadimitriou, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Touch and Go) 18, no. 3 (2012): 96-97.
by Phoebe Hui
Phoebe Hui in conversation with Jonathan Munro
“If space is infinite, we are anywhere, at any point in space.” [1] (Borges, 1998, 91). If thinking is infinite, we may never stop sprouting thoughts. The main focus of this essay is the study of sonic art and to develop the new relationship between images and sounds. Instead of betraying the nature of thinking as a continuous motion, I decided to write in the same way as the mind thinks rather than disguised in any particular formation. I would consider the following blocks or texts or nodes or branches or sub-maps (whatever you like to call them) as a portrait that captures my ephemeral thoughts in a non-linear manner, in an effort to preserve their singular fluidity. Also, I would like to stress that the viewpoints here should not be perceived as something eternal, it should rather be considered as potential elements that enable further constructive conversation and possible trajectories for us to explore Sonic art.
Full article is available for download as a pdf here.
The artworks in the article are © Phoebe Hui.
Vol 18 Issue 3 of Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is published on line as a free PDF but will also be rolled out as Amazon Print on Demand and will be available on iTunes, iPad, Kindle and other e-publishing outlets.