Leonardo Electronic Almanac
Volume 14, No. 3-4
June-July 2006
ISSN #1071-4391
LEA just got a facelift: Refreshed, crinkle-free with same great content. Come visit!
by Nisar Keshvani
Locative Media
by Drew Hemment
Guest edited by Drew Hemment
Locative Media as socialising and spatializing practice
by Anne Galloway and Matt Ward
Trace: Mapping The Emerging Urban Landscape
by Alison Sant
Swimming In The Grey Zones
by Leslie Sharpe
Locative Viscosity: Traces Of Social Histories In Public Space
by Lily Shirvanee
Locative Media: A Brief Bibliography And Taxonomy Of Gps-Enabled Locative Media
by Julian Bleecker and Jeff Knowlton
On Urban Markup: Frames Of Reference In Location Models For Participatory Urbanism
by Malcolm Mccullough
Asphalt Games: Enacting Place Through Locative Media
by Michele Chang and Elizabeth Goodman
The Design And Experience Of The Location-Based Performance Uncle Roy All Around You
by Steve Benford, Martin Flintham, Adam Drodz, Nick Tandavanitj, Matt Adams and Ju Row Farr
Performing Sonic City: Situated Creativity In Mobile Music Making
by Lalya Gaye and Lars Erik Holmquist
Locative Media & Instantiations Of Theatrical Boundaries
by Sally-Jane Norman
Homing Devices For Unhomely Times
by Misha Myers
Curated by Suhjung Hur, Annie On Ni Wan, Andrew Paterson
Locative Media, on and off the beaten track
by Suhjung Hur, Annie On Ni Wan, Andrew Paterson
Bowville Fictitious Constituency
by Paula Roush
Choreography of Everyday Movement
by Teri Rueb
Guttersnipe: on the road to Helsinki
by Angela Piccini
LOCA: Location Oriented Critical Arts
by John Evans, Drew Hemment, Theo Humphies and Mika Raento
Long March
by Qin Ga
Planteundersøgelser / Plant investigations – a growing investigation of plants in the city
by Jesper Dyrehauge, Marie Markman and Nis Romer
Shoot me if you can
by Taeyoon Choi in collaboration with I&P Media Art Team
by Jang-Won Lee
Tactical Sound Garden
by Mark Shepard
The Walking Project: Desire Lines, Walking and Mapping Across Continents
by Erica Block and Hilary Ramsden
Guest edited by Drew Hemment
Responsive Environments and Data Landscapes
by Teri Rueb
by Alison Sant and Elizabeth Goodman
Pace, Place, Interface: Issues and Projects in Locative Art
by Leslie Sharpe
Art and GPS
by Paula Levine
The Pedagogical Practice of Locative Experiences
by Ann Morrison, Lorna MacDonald, Ian MacColl and Matthew Simpson
Locative Media
by Pete Gomes
Neighborhood Narratives
by Hana Iverson, Steve Bull, Nick West
Locating multimedia practice in the internet of things
by Derek Hales
Locative Media Bibliography
Collaboratively produced
by Drew Hemment, Steve Bull, Elizabeth Goodman, Pete Gomes, Derek Hales, Hana Iverson, Paula Levine, Ann Morrison, Teri Rueb, Alison Sant, Leslie Sharpe, Jen Southern, Nick West and Nisar Keshvani
Leonardo “Pacific Rim New Media Summit Companion”
FutureSonic: Urban Festival of Music and Electronic Arts